Why Initiate a Preventive Roof Maintenance?

As you probably know, the maintenance and repair of your properties is a redundant and time-consuming chore. But like so many other things in life, attention to the mundane is not only necessary but key to the longevity of your facility. Oil changes, filter replacements, and tire rotations make no visible change to your vehicle but are much more pertinent to successful operation than, say, a new paint job. With that in mind we consider the need for your annual/bi-annual roof inspection.

We can’t stress enough the need for these inspections for a roof to successfully complete its expected life cycle. Roofs are just like any other part of the building exterior, but even though it experiences the most severe weathering of the entire building it often receives the least attention. Building owners often rely on long-term warranties to protect them and will ignore the warranted roof at their peril. Warranties promise to repair leaks experienced from normal wear and tear and will be of little comfort when the water starts to come in.

Manufacturer warranties assume no responsibility for routine maintenance, and the warranty may become void unless the owner of the facility conducts regular maintenance on the roofs and maintains adequate record to prove that regular attention was provided for the roof.

Contact Peterson Roofing, Inc. today to arrange for your roof inspections and enjoy your facility in dry comfort.